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Birth to One Year

Life with a newborn can be amazing and heart-filling as much as it is difficult and stressful. The first 3 months of a baby's life are often called the "4th trimester" because human babies are born at a time in their development where they are completely dependent upon adults--especially their mother. Babies need a more extended transition into the world than just the hours of labor that bring them here.


Services for mothers with babies are mostly visits to your home, so that I can lend a listening ear, professional support, and a peaceful presence to your life in the 4th trimester.


After baby arrives, we offer:

Breastfeeding Support visits {series of 3 one-hour visits}

Many mothers do not meet their breastfeeding goals because they don't believe that they're making enough milk to feed their baby or other people make them feel like they're not doing it "right"--but not because of a true physical or medical issue.


We will talk about your breastfeeding goals, how breastfeeding works, and strategies for success. In the comfort of your home, I can help you with optimal positioning, solutions for common challenges when breastfeeding, as well as how to know that your baby is getting enough. I will be able to refer you to the appropriate healthcare professional, if needed.


We can schedule our visits to start just after baby is born, so I can support you in the first few weeks of your breastfeeding journey, or as soon as you find me!


$360 for three visits over 4 weeks

The 4th Trimester visits {series of 6 one-hour visits}

Learning to care for a newborn can be hard. We hear so much conflicting information about what is best for mom and baby after birth, it helps to have support in figuring out what is normal and what is not. I will support you with evidence-based information and care strategies to make your and your baby's 4th trimester as positive as possible.


I will customize my support to the needs of you and your family. We will talk about what's normal for baby, soothing a crying baby, feeding, sleeping & safe sleep practices, mother's health and the role of other family members. I will be able to refer you to the appropriate healthcare professional, if needed.


We can schedule our visits to start just after baby is born, so I can support you in the initial transition, or as soon as you find me!


$720 for six visits over 8 weeks

Play & Learn Series {series of 6 one-hour sessions}

Life with a baby can be isolating, even with lots of people around. Mom + Baby Learning sessions give you an opportunity to make connections with other moms and receive evidence-based information about a variety of topics new mothers think about all the time.


In our Mom + Baby Learning Series, a small group of moms and babies enjoy time together while being able to talk and learn with me as your expert guide. It's a great way for moms to bond with each other, for babies to interact and explore, and for families to get evidence-based information and support. The Learning Series is held in the comfort of your home (or we can rotate, depending upon the preferences of the group) for 1 hour per week over the course of six weeks.


Typical topics in the 6-week series are:

  • what's normal (developmental milestones)

  • sleeping

  • eating

  • crying & soothing

  • love & bonding

  • learning & early education


$300 per series per family

3-4 families in the group

Back to Work Planning workshop {2 hours}

Whether full-time or part-time, returning to work will be another major transition for you and your baby. It usually requires quite a bit of planning for the transition to be as smooth as possible and help everyone adjust well. We will talk about your specific situation and your plans for you and your baby. Typically, these conversations will include both planning for child care and feeding transitions/pumping at work, but we will focus on the topics that you need support in.


In the comfort of your home, we will likely discuss:

  • child care options (center, home, friend & family)

  • child care quality

  • supporting the baby's transition to child care

  • feeding transitions

  • pumping at work

  • common challenges and solutions


$240 per individual/couple


I recommend scheduling this before the baby arrives, if possible. But you can absolutely benefit from taking this workshop even if you're about to return or have already returned to work and need help making it work for you and baby!

Private Consulation

Need support handling back-to-work challenges? Want to know more about a specific topic or about a child over one year?


I am available for consultation at your request. Simply contact me and we'll work together to meet your needs.

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